It's been a while....
It's almost been a year since my last entry. I'm not even sure if anyone follows me, but I suppose it's time for an overdue update! Where to begin? This past year has held so many changes, ups/downs, and definitely LIFE LESSONS!
First let me say that Connor is now attending the LSU Lab School and is doing wonderful there! I can't imagine a better school for him. There are 3 teachers in his classroom alone. The head teacher has her PHD, the assistant teacher is required to have a masters, and then there's the student teacher. They are very hands on and involve the parents/grandparents all the time. He has spanish class everyday, music, art, and guidance once a week. I feel truly blessed to have him in this school and there are a lot of people that helped make it possible. So to those of you THANK YOU for all the help!
My job is still the best job I have ever had. I have been there a little over a year now and it really is like a family. My boss is definitely one of the best too. I'm constantly working, but what do you expect that's the life of a single mommy? I have no complaints though, b/c not everyone can say they have a job with the economy the way it is let alone an amazing one at that.
I think one of the major things that I learned is that sometimes the people you think will accept and love you no matter what turns out the total opposite. It's really heartbreaking, but I guess that's life. I know that I'm not a perfect person I have never claimed to be one. I know that I am a person who will stick up for herself when she feels under attack on my own life. I can't apologize for speaking up and not letting someone constantly push their opinions on me if I'm not fitting into their "perfect mold". I am a very straight forward, to the point, not going to sugar coat, can't hide my emotions for the life of me kind of woman. Maybe somethings I should keep to myself I'm not entirely sure, but what's done is done unfortunately. I miss these people terribly, but at the same time what if things would go back to normal and they disagreed with my choices? Then I would have to go through the same thing all over again and putting conditional love on me when blood is supposed to be unconditional is too hard to handle. Some may think I'm being stubborn, but really I can't go through it all again. It's just not for me.
Ok so with all that out of the way let's move onto a happier note shall we?
Thanksgiving is slowly creeping up and I am really excited, b/c I am hosting my first thanksgiving feasts for some friends:) I have only cooked a thanksgiving meal one time and that was when I was turned out good if I do say so myself:) So if anyone out there wants to add a receipe that I should try out please do! Tonight I cooked for my BF Angela, her son, and of course my Connorbug. It was yummy and it reminded me of how much I enjoy to cook! The only thing is I run out of ideas so again if you have some please let me know I would love to try it out!Another exciting thing I FINALLY ordered cable! Now for many this is no big deal, but for me it's HUGE! You can only watch the same stuff so many times you know? I will definitely be looking forward to next Saturday when my non-exsistant cable comes to life! Yay:)
Well I suppose this will be enough for my catch up entry.
Until the next time......