Wednesday, September 05, 2012

I loved you before I met you......

On September 10th, 2003 @ 3:18pm I met the love of my life...Connor Matthew Parrish. This sweet 6lb 3oz beautiful baby boy far surpassed any expectations I ever had. He was perfect and my heart expanded in ways that I could never prepare for. I loved him from the very moment I found out I was expecting and when he entered this world I knew every part of him. These last nine years have been such a blessing to my life. He brings pure joy into my life, his laughter is contagious, he is hiliarious, extremely smart, beautiful, and has the sweetest soul. I have been so blessed to have my little side kick I can't even begin to imagine my life without him or even what it was before he was here. I thank God that He entrusted me to raise this beautiful boy! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOST FAVORITE PERSON IN THIS WORLD: CONNORBUG MOMMA LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!

Friday, June 08, 2012

"Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth 'you owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky" -Hafiz

I love this quote don't you? It is so true and so close to home. I have always been the hopeless romantic even when at times I have hidden that part of me for a while due to pain.  It's just who I am ....I love to make other people happy, b/c in return it makes my heart smile. There are some people out there that do things for others not with a generous and loving heart, but instead with a hidden agenda. My definition of doing things for others that we love doesn't necessarily mean materialistic's the little things that matter the most. I believe in that gut wrenching love, the love that you when you lie down they are the last thing you think of, when you wake up they are the first, laughter, your best friend who you can't imagine your life without, who sometimes knows you better than yourself, lifting each other up in all aspects of your lives,  who you are most authentic with, uncomplicated/easy to be with, you light up at the thought of each other,  you can read each other's emotions without saying a word, and someone that you still hold hands with at the young age of 80. Love is not about doing things for each other with a selfish underlying tone. It should never be given with stipulations and conditions. I have had my fair share of heartache, but that doesn't mean that I give up on love.  Why should I punish someone for the past?What it means is that I am still that hopeless romantic that holds her heart closely and doesn't give it away as easily, b/c when I do give it away again it will be to the person meant to handle my heart in the right way.

Until the next time.....

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pessimist, Optimist, and Realist.....

In the last week or so I have ran across some quotes that for me rang true. I've spent some time on these words and my interpretation of them. I'll just address one for today...

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change;the realist adjust the sails" William A Ward

At some point haven't we been a little bit of all of these characters?

It's so easy for us to fall into the pessimist mindset when life doesn't go our way. People love to complain and want others around them to join in on the pity party. Let's take a look at that option though.... What does this really do for us? Does it fix the problem? Does voicing our miserable situation make us feel better? Maybe it does make us feel better for a short run, but the complaints won't be the end solution. We tend to constantly run the scenario in our head over and over, dwelling, and obsessing over it until we've built it up that it takes on a life of its own. Honestly, no one wants to keep a pessimist as company they only bring people down.

It's great to be an optimist right?!? Atleast this outlook is not dripping with negativity and we are on the upswing with high hope and expectation! Unfortunately hoping for something with a smile on our face can only get us so far. How long will we hold onto the hope before we let go of the grip?

The realist will look at the situation they are handed and consider all the solutions. They become motivated by an optimistic view. The difference between them and an optimist is they will take that smile, glimmer of hope, and put it into action to see the change.

Life has it's challenges, but we get to choose how we will handle it. It's our choice every.single.time.! No one can take that away from you. It's encouraging when we can look at something in our life and we choose to turn the crisis into an opportunity. An opportunity to find the lesson, to learn, to share it with others that may encounter the same situation, and most importantly change it on our terms.

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I was cooking the other night and as I was cutting up the onions I started to compare it to life. I am sure this has been said before in some shape of form, but I want to share my thoughts.

We at some point are very much like an onion during certain seasons of our lives. As we peel back the layers it causes discomfort and brings tears to our eyes. The more we peel the more it stings, burns, and we rush through the agony to make it stop. It's normal and unavoidable reaction to the process. To truly heal the layer we must face it head on and start to peel it back to get the result our hearts desire.

For myself there are layers that I thought were long gone and I have come to realize that maybe it wasn't just one particular layer....maybe it was multiple layers that were hidden deep to its' core.

Eventhough the layers are sometimes painful when you get through them they add flavor to your life in some sense. They've made you who you are and enlightened you on who you strive to be. So I welcome the peeling of my layers because I know that in the end I will come out on the other side to something beautiful!