Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I was cooking the other night and as I was cutting up the onions I started to compare it to life. I am sure this has been said before in some shape of form, but I want to share my thoughts.

We at some point are very much like an onion during certain seasons of our lives. As we peel back the layers it causes discomfort and brings tears to our eyes. The more we peel the more it stings, burns, and we rush through the agony to make it stop. It's normal and unavoidable reaction to the process. To truly heal the layer we must face it head on and start to peel it back to get the result our hearts desire.

For myself there are layers that I thought were long gone and I have come to realize that maybe it wasn't just one particular layer....maybe it was multiple layers that were hidden deep to its' core.

Eventhough the layers are sometimes painful when you get through them they add flavor to your life in some sense. They've made you who you are and enlightened you on who you strive to be. So I welcome the peeling of my layers because I know that in the end I will come out on the other side to something beautiful!

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