Saturday, April 26, 2008


Earlier in the week I was just a driving along on my long journey home from work and my a/c started smelling fumy so I turned it out. Well I didn't make it far until I had to pull over on the side of the road due to a car running hot. Luckily I was on the phone with a good friend who was walking me through what to do and eventually a guy stopped over and helped for the rest of the process. So I had my anti-freeze all up to date or so I thought. Yesterday I was in the bank line waiting to make my deposit for my work when my car started to smoke so I pulled over in the parking lot and called Ryan. (He not only works with me, but he is married to my cousin Becki). So Ryan came to the rescue this time and filled her up for me. So after work I was on my way to p/u Connor and it started to over heat AGAIN! I am thinking ok what is the deal here? So I went to a friend's house the same friend that I was on the phone with (to make this easier I will tell you the name it's Tee). Anyway so we go over to Tee's house and stay there for a few hours and my other friend from work followed me home to make sure I made it ok. (B/c remember I live in another country!). So today I was stressin big time about what to do b/c obviously I can't go on like this! So I bring my car over to Firestone and Becki brings me to her house to wait. I get the call and here's the breakdown: a busted radiator, hoses, and temperature gage! I am just thinking oh wow what to do. So they tell me the cost and I about fall out of the chair....So I tell them not to work on it, b/c let's face it I am a single mommy with barely enough money to pay the bills let alone fix my car. Let me just say that God ALWAYS amazes me when He just steps in and makes a way through the storm. Becki came in the house and said that Ryan offered to put the charge on his credit card and I can pay them back when we all get those lovely refunds from the IRS in May. I am so thankful for the awesome family that I have. I do have to say that I am blessed with a family that knows how to reach out and help each other in time of need whether it's a financial bind or an emotional crisis. I am not the type of person to ask for help and I have a hard time accepting it, but I am learning that sometimes you have to swallow your pride and just welcome the help. So THANK YOU RYAN AND BECKI for the help and for the love and support!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


It's me reporting from good ole Ville Platte! I am visiting with my dad until tomorrow. And along with the visit came a proposal....the opportunity to move to Ville Platte have minimum bills to worry about and the greatest possibility handed to me: to finish getting my degree. I started back in school when Connor was a baby and at this point I was living with my mom. She gave me the chance of staying with her and just focusing on Connor and school. Being the stubborn person I am I decided that the rough route was much more appealing. So to prove that I could handle Connor on my own and make my own way with my family I moved out. I continued to go to night school while working a full time job with little time to spend with my son. Eventually the situation became much more difficult to keep up. So I have sat out two semesters...and with the location of where we are living once Connor starts school I won't have anyone to help me with him. One of my biggest goals is for me to finish school. I am still unsure of what I want to major in, but I do know that I want to provide for Connor in the way that he deserves and not just by living from paycheck to paycheck. Phew* that was a lot with a smudge of the background story now you can see how this is a great opportunity for me. Nothing is set in stone yet, but if it's God's plan things will fall into place for this to happen. Yes I would be living in the one place that I said I never would, but a few years of sacrifice isn't all that bad to get to the end result! So please keep me in your prayers!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So my baby boy is growing up I should know I registered him for kindergarten last Friday! Ahhhh....ok I am calm I promise:) Anyway Connor has really been into this place we call earth and all of the things that are here. We always have a REALLY long ride home from school so we have plenty of mommy/Connor time. He must be learning about how God created everything, b/c anytime he sees something whether it's a bug or a building he always says"Mommy who put that building there" and then before I can answer he answers himself by saying "God put that there". It is really cute actually. Our daily conversations are filled with talk about God. And I love it when he asks me something and after I give him the answer he decides he wants to tell God about it. For instance we passed a storage building and this is how the conversation went:

Connor: Mommy what's that?

Me: That's a storage building.

Connor: Oh like the one we use to keep my toys in?

Me: Yes that's right.

Connor: What happened to my mail box?

Me: Well honey you stopped playing with it so I got rid of it.

Connor: God doesn't like it when you get rid of my toys.

Connor in prayer: God can you let me keep my toys and not get rid of them?

Connor to me: Mommy God said yes!

The other conversation we had a few weeks ago was pertaining to Connor wanting a sibling. First off you must know that I thought my dryer was broken so I had to find things to hang our clothes to dry on. One of the things I used was a part of his baby bed. The next day we had a conversation regarding it:

Connor: Mommy that's my baby bed we need to throw it.

Me: No I want to keep it b/c one day we will have another baby.

Connor: When?

Me: Well it will be a while first God has to send mommy a husband.

Connor: Mommy I want two brothers and a sister.

Me: *Gulp big Gulp*

Connor: Mommy I think your husband will be "Jake"

Connor talking to God: God please send mommy Jake.

Connor to me: Mommy God said he will send you Jake.

So as everyone can see Connor has been doing a lot of thinking and praying! Oh which reminds me I had him pray with me one night and I had a lot of things on the prayer list that particular night I would say something and he would repeat what I said as his prayer...when it was all over with he looked at me and said "mommy that was a lonnnngggg prayer". It was funny. I am just so grateful that he is asking so many questions and seeking out God in his own way.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


First let me say that God is an AWESOME God! He has showed me NUMEROUS times of what I don't need in my life. And of course He knew that b/c of my stubborness He would need to open my eyes more than once. Yesterday morning when I woke up I didn't think I would have a rude awakening, but I did and it has put things in perspective for me and has put the final nail in the coffin so to speak. I have made my mistakes, but the most important thing is that I learn from them and seek His plan and not my own agenda. In the end He is the only one who knows what I truly need and deserve. And looking at my track record of failed relationships I am not qualified to pick out my husband! I believe everything does happen for a reason and that there is a lesson in everything we do. Here is what I have learned about what a marriage should have:

First you MUST have Jesus in the core of it!

Second marriage is a life long commitment that shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt

Third you should think of your spouse first before yourself

Fourth you should be with someone that you could fall in love with over and over again

*Most importantly* make sure that you know that this person is the one God specifically designed for you! So important.

So I have made my final choice and it is time to breathe in and let go of the past and place my present and future in God's hands. I know that through this I will overcome with victory!

Look at my little man and tell me that isn't inspiration to push through the storm.