Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So my baby boy is growing up I should know I registered him for kindergarten last Friday! Ahhhh....ok I am calm I promise:) Anyway Connor has really been into this place we call earth and all of the things that are here. We always have a REALLY long ride home from school so we have plenty of mommy/Connor time. He must be learning about how God created everything, b/c anytime he sees something whether it's a bug or a building he always says"Mommy who put that building there" and then before I can answer he answers himself by saying "God put that there". It is really cute actually. Our daily conversations are filled with talk about God. And I love it when he asks me something and after I give him the answer he decides he wants to tell God about it. For instance we passed a storage building and this is how the conversation went:

Connor: Mommy what's that?

Me: That's a storage building.

Connor: Oh like the one we use to keep my toys in?

Me: Yes that's right.

Connor: What happened to my mail box?

Me: Well honey you stopped playing with it so I got rid of it.

Connor: God doesn't like it when you get rid of my toys.

Connor in prayer: God can you let me keep my toys and not get rid of them?

Connor to me: Mommy God said yes!

The other conversation we had a few weeks ago was pertaining to Connor wanting a sibling. First off you must know that I thought my dryer was broken so I had to find things to hang our clothes to dry on. One of the things I used was a part of his baby bed. The next day we had a conversation regarding it:

Connor: Mommy that's my baby bed we need to throw it.

Me: No I want to keep it b/c one day we will have another baby.

Connor: When?

Me: Well it will be a while first God has to send mommy a husband.

Connor: Mommy I want two brothers and a sister.

Me: *Gulp big Gulp*

Connor: Mommy I think your husband will be "Jake"

Connor talking to God: God please send mommy Jake.

Connor to me: Mommy God said he will send you Jake.

So as everyone can see Connor has been doing a lot of thinking and praying! Oh which reminds me I had him pray with me one night and I had a lot of things on the prayer list that particular night I would say something and he would repeat what I said as his prayer...when it was all over with he looked at me and said "mommy that was a lonnnngggg prayer". It was funny. I am just so grateful that he is asking so many questions and seeking out God in his own way.

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