Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When did I get old?

There are a few things that have slowly been creeping up on me for the full on attack of the age. Let me give you a quick overview:

1. My nephew graduated HIGH SCHOOL this past Saturday! Now that's just crazy enough, but to top it off when I was visiting with him in our conversation I had to stop him and get him to explain words he was throwing out there. This may not sound so crazy, but I am only ten years older how in the world did I miss the way of conversation??? So in a short matter of time I officially became the old woman who had no idea what he was talking about and trying to be "cool" by getting the meanings.

2. I am attending my first high school reunion in just a few short weeks! Yikes! This last decade really did fly by!

3. So I have had some troubles with both of my feet and for the surgery I need it was just only a matter of time, but the one I need is a surgery that a grandma usually gets. You ready for this? My bunions(I know right?) are so bad to the point that I can no longer wear any shoes that are enclosed in any kind of way! On a side note I have a 3k deductible and that's the amount of the surgery so keep your fingers/toes crossed that I can get approved for a loan. This kind of trouble is PAINFUL!

4. Last but most definitely not least my metabolism SUCKS! That is one that I wish wasn't lacking! These extra lbs are a struggle to come off peeps!

These are just some of the things that are revealing themself to me thus far. As I slowly approach 30 with hesitation my body I think is already there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i feel ya! but, though your body may be getting older - hear me when I say this - YOU are not old :)

you'll have to clue me in to the new "talk" so I'll be in the know, too.
