Wednesday, April 02, 2008


First let me say that God is an AWESOME God! He has showed me NUMEROUS times of what I don't need in my life. And of course He knew that b/c of my stubborness He would need to open my eyes more than once. Yesterday morning when I woke up I didn't think I would have a rude awakening, but I did and it has put things in perspective for me and has put the final nail in the coffin so to speak. I have made my mistakes, but the most important thing is that I learn from them and seek His plan and not my own agenda. In the end He is the only one who knows what I truly need and deserve. And looking at my track record of failed relationships I am not qualified to pick out my husband! I believe everything does happen for a reason and that there is a lesson in everything we do. Here is what I have learned about what a marriage should have:

First you MUST have Jesus in the core of it!

Second marriage is a life long commitment that shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt

Third you should think of your spouse first before yourself

Fourth you should be with someone that you could fall in love with over and over again

*Most importantly* make sure that you know that this person is the one God specifically designed for you! So important.

So I have made my final choice and it is time to breathe in and let go of the past and place my present and future in God's hands. I know that through this I will overcome with victory!

Look at my little man and tell me that isn't inspiration to push through the storm.


Jodie | Velour said...

I tagged you on my blog! Go take a look-see. :)

marine's words said...

I just found your blog and I just want to say "he is out there you just have not meet him yet" but in God timing you will.
Keep looking up towards God and he will give you want you need.
I know I have been there and done that and I know the pain to let go and start over again.
May God's blessing shine one you.
I know where you are coming from you have a friend.