Thursday, January 24, 2008


So today I was on my way back from the bank/lunch driving minding my own business....I am almost at work I mean I am on my street and everything when I pull up behind the UPS truck who is stopped. He is stopped so of course I stop...the next thing I know I have a huge brown truck backing up and me trying desperately to back up and move out of the way...well BAMMMM! It is too late the idoit hits me! I get out of my car and say you hit my car and his response to me is "I have a big truck" are you flipping joking? You mean b/c you have a big truck that eliminates the responsibility on your part to um use your mirrors and realize someone is BEHIND YOU! Well don't you know he tries later to get people who are outside to say they saw what happened which they didn't. The cop shows up and takes forever and didn't give either one of us a needless to say I have to call my insurance company tomorrow and hope that his insurance company will pay for the paint that he managed to take out while he didn't suffer any damage! I so wanted to go postal on him.....needless to say I can no longer be friends with our UPS guy!

1 comment:

Jodie | Velour said...

Hey Kristin!! I linked to your blog from mine. :) You are now on my blogging goodness list. :) I really enjoy reading your blog - it's a window to your heart. I have the unfortunate social handicap of not being able to easily express myself verbally, you know, with people, so it's much easier to write my heart, and it seems yours is better expressed in writing to. So thank you for sharing that. :)