Friday, January 18, 2008


Wow so much has changed since my last entry! First being the day I came home to a note on my computer from Jason saying he didn't want to be tied down anymore. So ever since then it's been me and my little man. It's been three months and each day is so much better than the one before. I am just trying to let it all go and move forward sometimes it's hard when you have people remind you of your situation. I can say that my family has been amazing to me and I appreciate them very much. Connor is getting better too, but sometimes he still talks about him. The other day he said he wanted a daddy and I told him he had one and he said he wanted one around all the time. I am sure you can imagine how deep my heart sunk when he said that. I know that in God's time He will provide me with the husband I am intended for. Right now my heart isn't focused on that or could even handle that, but I still have the faith for that promise. All I can do for now is continue to pray for a healing over my heart.

Until the next time.....

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